What Benchmarking Can Do for Your Business

Discover the benefits of implementing benchmarking techniques to evaluate your business’s progress and explore expansion opportunities.


What is Benchmarking?

Benchmarking compares your business practices, services, processes, and performance metrics against your competitors or industry leaders. It involves gathering data and analyzing it to identify best practices and opportunities for improvement. Doing so helps you identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to enhance your business performance.

Benchmarking can benefit various areas, such as financial performance, customer satisfaction, product quality, and operational efficiency. It can help companies set realistic goals and targets, improve their processes and operations, reduce costs, and enhance their competitiveness in the market. However, choosing appropriate benchmarks and considering each company’s context and unique characteristics is important in benchmarking.


Plan and Set Goals

Benchmarking can help you set goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART). For example, suppose you discover that your competitors have a higher customer satisfaction rating than you do. In that case, you can set a goal to improve your customer service and increase your satisfaction rating by a certain percentage within a specific timeframe.

Additionally, benchmarking can help you identify trends and best practices in your industry for the future. By studying the strategies and tactics of successful businesses, you can adopt and adapt them to your own business to stay competitive and innovative.

Know Your Company’s Advantages

Benchmarking helps compare a company’s performance in different areas, such as sales growth, profitability, customer satisfaction, and employee productivity. By analyzing these metrics, you can identify areas where your company is performing well and use that information to develop strategies to build on those strengths.

For example, if your company has higher customer satisfaction than your competitors, you can use that advantage to differentiate your brand and attract more customers. You can also use benchmarking to identify areas where your company is falling behind and develop strategies to address those weaknesses.

Perform Competitive Analysis

Analyzing competitors can offer valuable information about their strategies, aiding in making informed decisions for gaining a competitive advantage in business. For example, you may discover that your competitors have a solid social media presence, so you can focus on building a better social media strategy for your own business.

Another benefit of a competitive analysis is that it can help you identify gaps in the market. By studying your competitors, you may discover areas where they are not meeting customer needs or are not yet operating. It allows you to fill that gap and gain market share.

Monitor Performance

Depending on what you aim to accomplish, benchmarking involves analyzing current data trends and projecting future trends. You can see how your business performs over weeks, months, or even years by tracking your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), such as sales, customer satisfaction, and employee turnover. By analyzing this data, you can make informed decisions about your business’s direction and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Promote Continuous Improvement

Benchmarking provides a clear understanding of the gaps between your current performance and that of your competitors or industry leaders. You can use this information to develop strategies for setting new business goals and targets.

By continuously improving your business, you can stay ahead of the competition and remain relevant in a rapidly changing market. You can also build a culture of innovation and excellence within your organization, increasing employee engagement and customer loyalty.

Encourage Ownership

When employees are involved in the benchmarking process, they become more invested in the company’s success because they have a stake in the outcome. This sense of ownership can lead to increased motivation, higher morale, and improved performance.

Engaging your employees during benchmarking will allow you to harness their expertise and knowledge. They can provide valuable insights into the company’s processes and help identify areas for improvement. When employees are allowed to participate in benchmarking, they feel valued and respected, which can lead to increased loyalty and retention.

Types of Benchmarking

Process Benchmarking

Process benchmarking compares an organization’s processes to those within the same industry. It aims to identify optimal practices and enhance processes to achieve comparable outcomes.

To begin process benchmarking, you must identify the processes you want to benchmark. For example, these may include production, customer service, or supply chain management processes. Once you’ve identified your processes, you’ll need to find organizations known for excelling in those same processes.

Strategic Benchmarking

Strategic benchmarking focuses on an organization’s overall strategies and processes. It involves comparing your organization’s strategic goals, objectives, and procedures with those of industry leaders or competitors to identify improvements.

Strategic benchmarking typically involves analyzing various metrics, including financial performance, customer satisfaction, employee engagement, and operational efficiency. It may also include conducting surveys or interviews with customers, employees, and other stakeholders to gather feedback and insights.

Performance Benchmarking

This type of benchmarking is beneficial for identifying areas where a company may be underperforming compared to its competitors and for identifying best practices for improving performance.

To conduct performance benchmarking, a company typically collects data on KPIs such as revenue growth, profitability, customer satisfaction, and employee productivity. Using this data, you can compare your performance to industry benchmarks or competitors.

How Do You Set up a Benchmark?

Step 1: Planning

The initial stage of benchmarking is crucial, as it involves planning and identifying areas for improvement, selecting benchmarking targets, and defining success criteria. The planning phase provides the necessary groundwork for subsequent data collection and analysis steps.

Step 2: Data Collection

After planning, data collection involves collecting information on your processes and how competitors do them. It also involves gathering information about your organization’s performance and comparing it to other organizations in your industry or similar industries. The data collected can be internal or external and should focus on the areas identified in the planning stage.

Data collection involves utilizing both internal and external sources. And it’s important to carefully select and verify the data to maintain accuracy, relevance, and currentness. Internal sources include accounting software, CRM systems, and production databases, while external sources may consist of industry reports, customer surveys, and competitor analysis.

Step 3: Data Analysis

An analysis is required to identify potential improvement areas. Objectivity is essential to acknowledge that no business is flawless. The examination of data can lead to the creation of a report and discussion of the following steps to enhance performance.

Step 4: Action Plan Presentation

Once you have completed the benchmarking process, it’s time to present your action plans to the relevant stakeholders. It’s a critical step in the benchmarking process because it’s where you’ll demonstrate the value of the process and the potential impact on the business.

When presenting your action plans, it’s essential to be clear and concise. Use data and visuals to support your recommendations, and be prepared to answer any questions or objections that may arise.

It’s also essential to tailor your presentation to your audience. For example, when presenting to senior executives, focus on the big picture and how your recommendations align with the company’s strategic goals. If you’re presenting to a team of managers, provide more detail on the specific actions required to implement the recommendations.

Step 5: Monitoring

Monitoring is a crucial step in creating a successful benchmarking process. Once you have established your benchmarks, monitoring your progress and performance against them is essential. It’ll allow you to identify areas where you need to improve and make necessary adjustments to achieve your goals.

There are several ways to monitor your business, depending on its nature and your established benchmarks. For example, you may need to track sales figures, customer satisfaction ratings, employee productivity, or website traffic. Spreadsheets, software programs, and dashboards can help you analyze your data and keep track of your progress. And depending on the desired outcomes, monitoring can be over a short or long period.

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FAQs About Benchmarking

Consistent and ongoing measurement of key activities is necessary for a company to fully benefit from benchmarking and ensure progress toward its goals. Additionally, incorporating benchmarking as a routine practice can lead to continued enhancement of internal business operations.

When conducting benchmarking analysis, it is common to focus on cost per unit, production time, unit quality, and customer satisfaction. By comparing the performance metrics obtained from these targets with others, it is possible to identify best practices that can help improve operations.

The objective of benchmarking is to develop new techniques or enhance existing procedures to achieve a higher level of performance. It requires ongoing effort and is a part of continuous process improvement that the best organizations pursue to remain competitive.

Businesses use benchmarking to plan and set goals. It helps compare their performance against standards and best practices. Benchmarking identifies areas for improvement and provides insights. It allows realistic goal setting based on actual performance data. Analyzing data from similar businesses or industries helps understand what is achievable. It prevents setting goals that are too ambitious or unrealistic, avoiding frustration and disappointment.

Rob Paredes
Article by
Rob Paredes
Rob Paredes is a content contributor for SafetyCulture. He is a content writer who also does copy for websites, sales pages, and landing pages. Rob worked as a financial advisor, a freelance copywriter, and a Network Engineer for more than a decade before joining SafetyCulture. He got interested in writing because of the influence of his friends; aside from writing, he has an interest in personal finance, dogs, and collecting Allen Iverson cards.