10 Best Management Practices

Optimize your work operations and set your business for success with the following management best practices.

What are Best Management Practices?

Best management practices are any set of proven and tested methods based on current industry standards and strategies that work for thriving businesses. They involve a wide range of tools, from strategic planning and internal analysis to performance monitoring and review. Managers, supervisors, and leadership teams can use these practices as benchmarks for success in continuously improving their work systems, procedures, and processes for business growth.

Why are Management Practices Important?

Various organizations face different challenges depending on their size, location, industry, and other relevant factors. But more often than not, these setbacks may have similar patterns that companies can refer to when addressing them.

These commonalities pave the way for best management practices, a shared pool of knowledge applicable to all organizations. Management practices outline the best ways to meet the goals and objectives of a business through methods and strategies that work for successful organizations. By incorporating these in management reviews, companies can continuously improve their systems and leverage their employees’ skills to drive business growth.

However, it’s important to note that these management best practices shouldn’t be treated as an end-all-be-all set of standards for success. Instead, they can be tailored to suit the needs and objectives of the organization implementing them.

Where are They Used?

Best management practices vary depending on the type of business your organization is involved in. However, they generally cover a wide range of business activities, such as:

10 Best Practices in Management

Listed below are the best management practices that leaders can use in their organizations.

1. Communicate the Organization’s Business Goals and Strategies.

Good management begins with a clear set of goals, objectives, and expectations. After all, they will serve as the foundation for the organization’s plans, strategies, and other critical decisions.

As a best practice, managers must discuss the organizational roadmap, along with these details, with their employees. By setting these expectations at the onset, they will understand how their role fits in the overall business strategy and direction of the organization.

2. Establish Quality Control, Assurance, and Improvement Mechanisms.

Quality is an integral element of any organizational practice, as it impacts all business areas and activities. For this reason, managers and leaders must set standards and systems for controlling and improving the quality of products, processes, and procedures in their organization. In doing so, they can perform tasks more efficiently and create high-standard products.

Leaders can ensure quality control, assurance, and improvement through the following:

  • Run quality checks regularly.
  • Hold a periodic review of company standards and policies.
  • Refer to national and international quality management systems such as ISO 9001.
  • Observe quality compliance in day-to-day operations.

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3. Actively Engage and Empower Employees in Business Processes.

When looking for improvement opportunities, the best source of information comes from those working on the ground—your employees. Thus, it’s vital to let them have a voice in important business decisions, especially on matters that directly affect them.

Their experience in handling day-to-day operations will provide valuable insights into risks, inefficiencies, hazards, and other areas for improvement.

4. Regularly Check In With Your Employees.

Among the best ways to hear your employees’ input are regular meetings. This management practice allows them to present their ideas, raise issues, track their progress against the business and team goals, and collaborate with their teammates.

Doing so encourages open and honest communication in the workplace, which is key to building trust and confidence in your management.

5. Provide Adequate Staff Training and Support.

Optimal performance becomes possible when you have the right people with the right skillsets on the team. One of the best ways to achieve this is by training their staff members.

As a best management practice, leaders must provide their employees with opportunities to hone their skills and develop as individuals. In doing so, they can keep pace with the latest industry standards and perform their tasks to the best of their abilities.

6. Document All Important Operational Data.

Part of managing an organization is documenting all activities and transactions that are taking place. With a record of procedures and policies, it will be easier to look for vital information regarding previous plans and processes and conduct reviews for potential policy changes. Moreover, this practice enables leaders to make informed decisions based on accurate and up-to-date information.

Here is a list of some essential files to keep for your organization:

  • Employee history
  • Customer logs
  • Training materials
  • Company newsletters
  • Old policy documents

7. Monitor Success Through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Business management doesn’t stop at simply implementing initiatives; they should also be consistently monitored based on the set goals. This practice helps determine if an action or intervention works and how effective they are based on specific criteria.

The best way to do this is by setting quantifiable metrics for performance, such as quality assurance, sales volume, and more. Make sure that these benchmarks are in line with the needs and objectives of the organization.

8. Foster a Culture of Innovation in the Organization.

Innovation is a key driving force for successful businesses around the world. By introducing forward-thinking creations into the market, their innovations may help them gain an edge over their competitors while strengthening their brand reputation.

Thus, to stand out and thrive in a competitive market, organizations must step up their game and find new ways to improve what they offer to customers. This process involves consistently exploring new ideas from the following sources to produce high-quality products:

  • Product development teams
  • Customer feedback or requests
  • Technological advancements

9. Strive for Continuous Improvement.

Contrary to popular belief, success in business isn’t something one can achieve overnight. Instead, it’s a dynamic process of consistently and continuously improving business operations for steady growth.

For this reason, organizations must proactively search for areas to improve within their current setup. It starts with a simple question: “How can things be done better?” The answers can easily be found through platforms that collect and analyze feedback from both internal and external sources.

This management best practice goes hand in hand with empowering employees to express their ideas. Their insights from the field can help leaders identify and address what areas require more work and what needs to be changed.

10. Use Technology to Your Advantage.

Technology has revolutionized the way businesses operate, from automating manual tasks to facilitating remote communications with stakeholders. And given the fast-paced nature of the current market, organizations can leverage the power of these tools to quickly adapt to these changes.

For example, various software applications allow teams to manage projects, record vital information, track progress, and organize workflows with ease and convenience. By simplifying these minute processes, leaders can focus on opportunities to drive business growth.

Leizel Estrellas
Article by
Leizel Estrellas
Leizel Estrellas is a content writer and researcher for SafetyCulture. Her academic and professional training as a researcher allows her to write meaningful articles that create a lasting impact. As a content specialist, she strives to promote a culture of safety in the workplace through accessible and reader-friendly content. With her high-quality work, she is keen on helping businesses across industries identify issues and opportunities to improve every day.