EHS Audit Checklist Templates

Manage your EHS audits with the help of a checklist template.

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What is an EHS Audit?

An Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) audit is a document to help inspectors and managers in evaluating a specific environment to ensure it is compliant with EHS laws and is safe for work. An EHS audit often comes in a checklist form for easier inspections and can be modified to fit specific industry needs.

Why is it Important to Have an EHS Audit?

An EHS audit is essential in ensuring and maintaining safety in the workplace. In the US, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) specifically require this as part of their regulations on promoting a safe workplace for all. A company with a high EHS audit score also shows the government that they prioritize safety and are taking the initiative to do so. 

Additionally, having an EHS audit is also helpful outside of the US. With an EHS audit, a company or organization can help keep their workers out of danger and avoid legal risks or repercussions by making sure they: 

  • wear the appropriate protective gear; 
  • know the proper emergency procedures and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs); and 
  • report any issues they might encounter on the job that endangers one’s health and safety. 


The main benefit of having an EHS audit is ensuring and improving health and safety protocols in the workplace. There are also other benefits from running an EHS audit such as:

  • Making work more cost-efficient, as having a safe working environment reduces the risk of injuries, highlights different work opportunities that may have not been possible before, and uncovers issues that can be improved upon to increase revenue or lower expenditures, such as using paper documents rather than digital ones. 
  • Improving communication and the dissemination of information, as an EHS audit also lists the safety protocols to be followed, and everyone must be aware of it. 
  • Making it easier to be ISO 14001-certified, as one of the requirements for this standard is for a business to show their initiatives in maintaining, assessing, and improving their environmental impact. 

What Does an EHS Audit Checklist Template Include?

When conducting an EHS audit, it is important to have a checklist. This will make it easier for inspectors and managers to keep track of all regulations to comply with, along with the tasks, risks, and hazards their employees face. 

Having an EHS audit checklist can also make it possible for employees to conduct their own inspections, empowering them to report issues and address them as needed. 

A typical EHS audit checklist will have: 

  • Details on emergency exits and alarms, such as fire alarms
  • Contingency plans for different emergencies and hazards
  • A guide on the proper health standards to follow specific to the work environment
  • Legal rules and regulations that need compliance, where applicable 
  • An evaluation of waste and water management processes 
  • Assessment of electrical wiring, plumbing, equipment, and possible hazards that can be encountered on the job

A templated EHS audit checklist will also help. Using a templated checklist will save time for inspectors as not only will it give them a clear idea of what to check for each inspection, but it also helps them manage compliance and spot errors or anomalies in their workplaces. Having a detailed EHS audit checklist template also makes it easier to compile the audits in one place and sort through later on, especially if done digitally. 

Roselin Manawis
Article by
Roselin Manawis
Roselin Manawis is a content writer and researcher for SafetyCulture. She has experience in news writing and content marketing across different fields of discipline. Her background in Communication Arts enables her to leverage multimedia and improve the quality of her work. She also contributed as a research assistant for an international study and as a co-author for two books in 2020. With her informative articles, she aims to ignite digital transformation in workplaces around the world.

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